It became clear, during the trial, that most of the charges against the defendant were trumped up. 在审判中已搞清楚了,对被告的大部分指控是捏造的。
Then Kahn and his colleagues translated these findings into years of life gain and costs, during the trial and projected into future years. 然后在这项实验的未来计划中,Kahn和他的同事将这些发现转化为延长生命与降低费用。
We encountered one small problem during the trial run. 我们在试运行中,遇到了一个小问题。
I ask how he managed physically during the trial, mindful that following his release from prison in 2004 the charges were eventually quashed after six years inside he flew to Germany for surgery, following repeated beatings. 我问他,在审判期间是如何维持身体状况的,我知道在已经服刑六年,到2004年案件才终于撤销从监狱释放后,他曾因遭到反复殴打而飞往德国接受手术。
He was on the verge of tears at several points during the trial. 在审判过程中,他好几次差点流出眼泪来。
RESULTS: Body weight did not significantly change in either group during the trial. 结果:实验期间各组体重没有明显变化。
During the trial," blade coating "was used for the thermal-precoat CF coating;" curtain coating" was used for the thermal-coat CB coating. 中试过程中,采用刮刀涂布方式进行了CF纸和热敏预涂试验,采用帘式涂布进行了CB纸和热敏面涂的涂布试。
During the trial, all the patients continued to use inhaled corticosteroids for their asthma. 试验中,所有的患者均继续使用吸入型皮质激素治疗哮喘。
What support will be available for me and my caregivers during the trial? 试验期间,对我和我的护理者有哪些资助?
Article 11. A judge should be neutral during the trial. 第十一条法官审理案件应当保持中立。
During the trial, the tabloid press followed the young singer and his family relentlessly. 在审判的过程中,各类小报无情地对这位年轻的歌手以及他的家人狂轰烂炸。
During the trial, the accused has the right to terminate a lawyer's action in his defense and entrust another to take it up. 在审判过程中,被告人有权拒绝辩护人继续为他辩护,并另行委托辩护人辩护。
This fact had not been made available to the defence attorneys during the trial. 在审判期间,辩护律师并不知道这一事实。
The lawyer acted for him during the trial. 在审案期间由律师代表他行事。
Transportation to and from the Expo was also monitored during the trial run. 在试运营期间,世博交通也接受了检验。
Someone I felt I got to know during the trial. 在审判中我可以相信的人。
Never came out during the trial? 在审判的时候从来没有提到?
The prisoners were kept shackled during the trial. 审判期间,犯人戴着镣铐。
A table has been reserved for the defense counsel during the trial. 在审判中有一张桌子是为被告的辩护律师准备的。
During the trial, the litigation rights and lawful interest of the defendant have been fully guaranteed. 此案在审理过程中,被告人应该享有的诉讼权利和待遇都得到了充分保障。
Certain representations concerning the police department's treatment of offenders was shown on video during the trial. 在审判过程中播放了一些关于警察如何对待犯人的录像。
During the trial, the prosecution was accused of withholding crucial evidence from the defence. 在审判中,原告被指控对被告隐瞒重要证据。
During the trial, the court ruled that plaintiff had not stated a cause of action for negligence, and it precluded plaintiff from presenting evidence in support of such a claim. 在庭审过程中,法庭裁定原告缺乏对疏忽的诉因,并且排除原告为该主张提交证据。
Any time during the trial production period, when the parties consider the performance of the production line is satisfactory the seller could ask for performance test by written application and shall be confirmed by the buyer. 在试生产期间的任何时候,缔约人认为生产线的运行能够满足要求时,卖方可以书面申请进行生产线考核并且该申请应得到买方的确认。
Two competitors race through the flames during the trial of strength, stamina and endurance. 两名参赛者在火焰中奔跑。这一挑战项目考验的是参赛者的体力和毅力。
During the trial, the prosecutor and the defense lawyer both present evidence and arguments to the jury. 在审判期间,检察官与被告律师均向陪审团出示证据,提出论据。
The criminal's complacency during the trial angered the jury. 犯人在受审时的得意忘形激怒了陪审团。
We started dating during the trial. 我们是在审讯期间开始约会的。
In a sale by trial, the buyer may either purchase or reject the subject matter during the trial period. 第一百七十一条试用买卖的买受人在试用期内可以购买标的物,也可以拒绝购买。